Online Training For Law Enforcement

Online training is an excellent option if you are interested in pursuing a career as a law enforcement professional. These programs are flexible, convenient, accessible, and cost-effective.

When Monroe County Police Department started using Power DMS to administer their training, they found it was a much more effective way to track the effectiveness of their training program. The software automatically pulls from a bank of questions to make every test unique and helps administrators gather feedback directly instead of grading by hand.


Online training for law enforcement offers the convenience of completing course assignments during off-duty or at other times that fit an officer’s schedule. Departments that use an online learning platform to train officers report saving up to 50 percent on training costs by eliminating travel expenses.

Additionally, allowing officers to complete training in bite-sized pieces makes it easier to transfer that knowledge back into their work environment and improves learning outcomes. Studies have shown that when learning takes place in small, condensed segments rather than large lecture-style classes, it can be 17 percent more efficient.

Moreover, video is a proven way to reduce training costs because it can be viewed and assimilated more quickly than written material. For example, officers can watch brief videos introducing the basics of an agency policy or procedure and then sign off within their learning management system to confirm the training is completed.


In law enforcement, continuing education and training are essential for staying abreast of current trends and regulations. Moreover, ongoing education can help officers remain safer by recognizing risk factors and responding appropriately to situations.

One key advantage of online learning is flexibility. This means that instructors can create flexible courses to be completed on a schedule that works for each officer.

Unlike in-person training, which can be scheduled in blocks and for specific groups, online learning can be broken into shorter sessions that can be paused or restarted for different settings.

This flexibility is beneficial for online training in law enforcement, where officers often have limited availability. It can save departments money by allowing officers to complete training when it’s most convenient for them and at their own pace. In addition, blended learning – combining online learning with face-to-face courses – is an effective option for agencies that must keep their staffing levels tight.


Today’s society expects rapid response and resolution to intricate problems, making the task of law enforcement a daunting and demanding one. This requires ongoing education to help officers improve their performance and mental awareness while minimizing organizational strain.

Online training can provide an alternative to traditional classroom learning. This is done through various webinars, live streams, and e-learning modules.

Officers can access courses through computers, tablets, and smartphones to learn wherever they are most comfortable. This allows them to complete assignments during their most productive times and ensures they always have access to the necessary training materials.

The IADLEST National Certification Program (NCP) streamlines access to training by aggregating courses that have been certified by providers who meet specific standards. This simplifies department training needs and reduces costs.

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An online bachelor’s degree in law enforcement can prepare students for entry-level positions in the field. It also offers opportunities for advancement and increased earning potential.

Graduates of these programs often work at federal and state agencies. They may pursue jobs as police officers, crime scene investigators, or emergency managers.

Some graduates advance to higher-level positions, such as detective, sergeant, or captain. They can also go on to become federal agents, fish and game wardens, or probation officers.

If you have a strong sense of justice and want to make a difference in your community, a career in law enforcement is for you. SNHU’s online bachelor’s in law enforcement is designed to help you gain the skills and insights you need for success in your career.

Tom Smith

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